Friday 19 July 2013

sherlock bbc/first post

hi first post :D 

Okay so i have recently gotten a new obsession ._. and it all kinda began when..i was bored
So it was the school holidays, and im like home with my sister all day doing nothing but computer and procrastination because doing homework is just too mainstream

Then i realised my sister was watching this scene from the sherlock bbc tv series and i was like omg wot, that looks so cool, so i joined her

It was the scene where sherlock jumps off this building and w
atson is just like noo sherlock :'(

Then i was like omg, that looks super awesome, i must watch.

So i started watching and i do not regret a single thing 0_0 i mean, that series is epic, simply epic. I think that i've become a Sherlockian, or Johnlock shipper, lol whatever they call themselves... but yay, im part of that fandom~~ its like literally the best thing i have ever watched.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, you two are the most amazing Sherlock and Watson @_@ and i gotta admit, the series was by far the best sherlock i have watched, the best series i have ever watched in my life, i am totally in love srsly 

I'm gonna admit that it was so much better than the Robert Downey Jr sherlock :p , after watching the bbc series, i seriously cant think why i was so obsessed with the RDJ one 0_0

Season 3 of bbc sherlock is coming out in a few months, i cant wait. Apparently it will air on the 31st of October...well, im so so so looking forwards to it ;)

During these few days i have realised that martin freeman also plays bilbo baggins in the Hobbit, and benedict cumberbatch plays that villian guy in star trek: into the darkness or something :0 and he also voices smaug in the hobbit :3 

Okay comparing bbc sherlock to the RDJ sherlock..these are (in my opinion) why bbc is better:
- characters are more alike to the book

-plot is more similar, titles are also more similar
although those are only minor details they still make quite a difference, well, to me at least

And also:
i think that the bbc sherlock gives the audience more excitement, and  a range of emotions. because of the modern environment in the bbc one, i understand more about it, i am more familiar with what they use, talk about and the setting etc. But in the RDJ one it gives more of a gloomy mood, as if theres always a grey cloud over casting us the whole time.

Ughhh, i could go on and on... xD

Okay well i guess thats it

bye for now :)